Trash Planet was made for the 2nd Go Godot Jam held between the 18/11/21 and 30/11/21. Check out all the submissions for the jam at:

We are a two person team, we both contributed to the code and sound effects, with one of us producing the art, all of which was made during the jam. (except the energy source splash screen). Royalty free music from Time-Technology by Coma-Media and My Lonely Journey by AleXZavesa.

The protagonist is a robot powered by a mysterious crystal, exploring a wasteland of a planet, with only the trash and pollution remaining. But they are not the only robot to have happened across a power crystal.

Developer 1:

"Thank you for playing this short game made for the Go Godot Jam 2. Sorry it is more of a tech demo than a full game. Although my approach to game jams is to try and use aspects of the engine that I have never used before. For me this is my first ever attempt at making a platformer game and the first time I have ever used the physics engine.

If I was to do this again I probably would not use the physics engine as it has introduced far more bugs than it helped fix. Although I am well aware that this is an aspect of my own incompetance with it and I need to spend some time experimenting with it more and really understanding how it all works. I hope that I can stop treating it like a black box and get a full understanding of it one day, although probably not before I can understand C++ better; not to mention the advanced mathematics (I was a C student). I find mathematics hard but I think programming has helped a lot. I do understand however that a physics game relies on much more real world prepositions and our dinky little toy car with a massive sail on the top of it probably wouldn't behave nicely in real world physics.

I had a lot of fun with this game jam and I really do feel that this idea has the potential to be expanded upon."

Thank you for taking the time to look at our entry.

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Tags2D, Boss battle, Game Jam, Godot, Metroidvania, Short, Singleplayer

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